It was lovely Sunday morning. Sky was so blue. Sun shined brightly. She showed her soft gold color and smooth touchy.
I hadn’t had breakfast yet. It was better to fill my stomach up before I was getting headache. Planned to do short journey, it required full energy as I would have many activities by foot and via public transportation.
Arriving Kaliurang in the morning. Breathed fresh air. Felt the warm sunshine. Heard the melodius voice of birds and mountain insect. Thank God for let me through this day… Anyway, this resort was located on the slopes of Mt. Merapi, 24 km north of Yogyakarta and surrounded by an enchanting countryside. It lied at the foot of Plawangan hill on the southern slope of mount Merapi, some 28 km, north of Yogyakarta.
Fresh air of Kaliurang brought my step to feel the atmosphere of Beukenhof Restaurant. It located beside Ulen Sentallu museum. Yummy…sandwich and small sweet pancake. Both buildings were belongs to Javanese person who loved his homeland very much. Mr. Thomas Haryonagoro. The buildings were architecturally designed and built from local stone, sheltered by trees and featuring walkways, large courtyard spaces and gardens. So homey.
Brief summary of Ullen Sentalu that it was museum of Javanese art and culture.
Inside, you could see historical photographs of the palace, images of people, many oil paintings, including painted portraits of various sultans, their wives. and memorable events during the colonial era, various artifacts, and being displayed in glass cabinets were the actual items of clothing being worn in the portraits. Fantastic!
You also could find batik styles of Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Chinese influence from the northern coastal towns of Java, and traditional Javanese wedding garb which was displayed and had a meaning. Again, waow, only that word came repeatedly from my mouth. Couldn’t count how much! 1, 2, …..100, I didn’t know.
Gentle sound of "Telogo Muncar" waterfall capture my mind to be back to yesterday morning. Same menu, I laughed by myself as I ate sandwich in Omah Dhuwur resto Kotagede. Kotagede? Silver craft center, friends….
It was better to go on pleasure by visiting another place. TransYogya busway brought me slowly since it had to stop over certain shelter to put in and out passenger. Finally I was ended in front of Bringharjo traditional market which was placed in point of Malioboro. Well known pedestrian street.
I set myself in front of some old buildings in the intersection of Malioboro and Sultan Palace a.k.a Kraton. Let read my story. Keep attention. I was serious. I meant it. No,no,no just kidding. I was just influenced by spirit of that buildings, and my sense moved around, back and forth, from the past to present time.
1st, Vredeburg Fortress! This fortress was built by Sultan to fulfill Dutch colony’s request, by this fortress they could watch Kraton more easily and as a defender fortress. But it is museum now. This ford becomes Museum Khusus Perjuangan Nasional by the name of Museum Benteng Yogyakarta.
2nd, Kantor Pos Besar (Big Post Office). In Dutch period, it was used as a post office and telecommunication center.
3rd, Representative office of Indonesia Bank firstly used as de Indische Bank office.
4th, BNI Bank, previously was Nill Maattschappij office and De Javasche Bank, but now it’s used as BNI Bank. Those old buildings were still in good condition and the architecture of their exterior even also does not get much changing.
My last visit for finishing this afternoon was coming to Water Castle, also known by the Dutch name waterkasteel (water castle).or Taman Sari, the Sultan's (king) recreation garden.
My guide told me completely and clearly. Of course, it was absolutely his job.
Formerly Tamansari was a recreation garden or a resting house for the Sultan and Family, about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace, this garden was built by Portuguese architect in European aquatic construction adorned with Javanese Symbolize ornaments. Tamansari was built in the Sultan Hamengku Buwono I period in the end of 17th Century. It's become a recreation area, a compound of bathing pool, canals, rooms at that time.
And what the king did there? The King would take a bath in the pool with a lot of pretty girls. And only one girl, whom he really likes, would be then invited to another private pool, having a private bath with him. Or, king would watch his girls swim from his private tower then he chose one of them to be his all night partner. Waow!
Tired!! I had to go back to hotel, using my time to refresh my body and soul. Before taking a bath, I spent it on swimming at Ibis hotel swimming pool. Yihaa….
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