1st day: 21 May
Used public trasportation, express bus (bis patas) from Surabaya, Bungurasih to Arjosari, Malang. Paid Rp 15.000/person. Bus run freely. No traffic jam. Good. Arrived 1.5 hour later, took small car (angkot) AMG line and stopped at Citanduwi street. Met old friends, little chit chatting, laughing, eating traditional tempe penyet while waiting for rain stopped. Malang was not cold at that time. Maybe it was because of rain dropped lately.
Mainly purpose was Festival of old Malang in Ijen street (Malang Tempo Doeloe). Ijen steet was famous street, big street, old street. Most old and big house were stayed here. Since we went on Opening day at afternoon around 3 pm, we could not enjoy it at all. So many people came and walked around that street. My thought about this event is not very fascinating. Just said not bad. Maybe it because a lot of session we could not see in short time.
Various stage, store, exhibition and workshop could be seen there. But some were not available everyday. There were schedule for that.
On food zone we could find some food seller with old tradisional food, like gulali (sweet candy on stick), tiwul (from cassava), dodol, the rest are traditional food like nasi pecel, fried chicken, etc.
For entertainment we could see stage for wayang (puppets), ludruk (east java traditional drama with dance and some poets), Malangan topeng (local dancer mask), song exhibitions like keroncong (Portuguese influenced) gambus, keroncong, qasidah, sholawat (Moslem influenced).
Stage of rice field, complete with cow and their wagon. Duplication of the village rice fields and gardens and traditional farming tools, traditional irrigation system of rice field, the traditional fishery tools,forests and sugar cane plantations, traditional red sugar factory is also available. It is good idea. Some visitor took a picture in front of it, pretending they were on old and village atmosphere.
On zone of the Malang’s industrial Villages in 1950 we could learn about making of Brown Sugar using Cow’s Power, making of traditional ‘semprit’ cake using ‘press’ machine in 1950’s, household from Clay, irons tools and weapon, Batik, mats from ‘mendong’, and tools from bamboo, manual timber lathing, the washing and cleaning of ancient instruments.
Another parts was seller of old books, old calculator, old long gun, old photos, old playing tool for children, workshop of drawing Javanese Islamic Calligraphy and traditional games (dakon, semprengan, layangan, umbulan, engklek, srigendem, tekongan, uyek-uyek rante, jumpritan, krupukan, otong-otong bolong, kaki klek-klek, jamuran) , carved wood , japin dance, also petan (finding small insect in hair of human) & rasan-rasan (gossip )tradition. Pyuuhh..do not know it was about what! Just seeing all in schedule.
Tired of walking, we went to bakso bakar (barbeque meat ball) to fill up our stomach and took some rest. Then went on buying some gulali and little cup of Oen (named of old store of ice cream, famous in Dutch era) ice cream. After that we walked again through a thousand people on that area. We felt uncomfortable anymore, so we decided to move out very quickly.
Our journey that night was ended by eating (again? Eating?yup! as some energy was used up on walking and walking) ronde (traditional hot drink mixed by ginger and some accessories like peanut, jelly, flour) and bought famous noodle called “mie gang jangkrik”. Halal! Permitted, no pig flavour. Delicious!
2nd Day: 22 May
Woke up lazily, breathed fresh air for a while, prepared ourselves to go home. No breakfast was available then chips crackers became our breakfast. Ha,ha,ha…Walked on foot for about 10 minutes to Sanan handycraft center. We wanted to buy some gift for our lovely family and friends. Not much but enough for making them happy. So sweet!! We bought kripik tempe (soybean chips crackers) and kripik buah-buahan (fruits chips crackers) at some store. After that, we went by small car, public transportation, to Alun-alun (big field) Malang for a while, had a lunch then continued again to Oen store, spent a time for an hour, drinking es campur (mixed fruits, syrup, ice) before went back to Surabaya. Yummy!
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