Again, one of my workmate was resigned and we celebrated it by taking some pictures at office and also gave farewell party at next day by having dinner together at Puang Oca, sea food restorant after office hour.

Small review about Puang Oca. It is a sea food resto from Makassar, capital city of South Sulawesi. They are famous of sea food wealth, ikan kakaktua (sparrow fish), "sukang" fish (kind of sea fish), kepiting asap (smoked crab) are one of their menus.

Very happy for eating together, chit chatting about office matter, funny, sad, anger, mixed into one story. 16 persons joined, from purchasing dept, marketing dept, even our boss secretary. I liked to come and sit together. Forgot about tiredness for a while till the time to go home was remind us. It has been late, and my home was very far now. The venue was in the downtown and my place location was in suburb. It was the 1st time for me to go out far away from home since I moved to suburb. Never mind, I was still enjoying it.