Cold. It was we felt when we went by bus from Surabaya to Yogya at night of 30 Dec. The Air condition was very cold. Three of us, on the spot trip, but still lucky as we could get fine public transportation while it was a holiday moment which hotels and public transportation was usually full order.
Arrived at 5 morning. It should be at 3.30 but traffic jammed otw Yk. Never mind. We were still not able to enter the hotels room since our booking was 12am later. Bus brought us to hotel then we put our luggages there and did some self cleaning like toothbrushed n facewashed.

Walked to pasar Bringharjo on foot, far enough to strech out the legs after sitting for about 8 hours, found nasi pecel for breakfast. Forgot how much it cost but we enjoyed, even in my heart I was a bit worry to eat this food in open air. Food was not covered by some shelf. Bewared for the fly around.
The journey was continued by buying some gifts for relatives of my friends. I was not. I planned to buy it later if I still had enough money. Not on plan actually. Came into pasar Bringharjo, then around Malioboro and Mirota. Back and forth due it was not easy to find the models per requested and bargained down to the lowest prices. We bought it first as we did not want to miss it later as we realized our time was limited. Why we had to wait later if we could do now.

Next itinerary was taking some pictures as our main plan. Vredeburg fort, old building (now BNI and post office), also the castle. For me, going to YK and put myself in this area made me bored as I was often there. Almost every year. So, took a picture as our main activity really cheered me up. Honest. My friends were also great in taking a picture and they were anxious to act in any styles like supermodels. Me? act in funny and wierd styles. Bored to be nice and sweet. Thanks for R influences.

Hot weather, sun shines so brightly touched us and made us became feel tired, a bit sleepy and weak quickly. Off course. Not enough sleeping then continuing a millions walk, is it?, Hotel, Malioboro, back and forth and stop over to castle. How many kilometers is it? Just being positive way. We could be healthy. I agreed. At the end, I was better since I got flu when I planned to go on vacation. Medicine, fresh mind and body changed it. Thanks God.

Castle looked as ordinary place and quite dull. Not much interesting properties there. And also, again, tired body did not support us to explore this area completely. Already given up! Less pictures could be taken as the consequency.
When sun stay above our head precisely, we went back to hotel by becak. Hotels were far away. Not really far actually but we had to through long way, turn around as the street has one way only. It was really relief when we could meet bed and took a bath. So fresh. Even the room was so simple, 2 beds, 1 extra bed, small tv, small bathroom, old AC style. Hungry. but we had no energy to go out. Hotels did not prepare it too. Wondering, in this high season, they did not give good service. Maybe they thought we needed them more than they needed us. Indeed. Just ordering simple fast food delivery without complaining then sleeping. zzzz....
Enough rest! At 6 evening we started to go to Malioboro to have dinner and prepared for new year eve. Unfortunately the Malioboro mall closed. Where should we eat? Only mcdonals opened. We ate it at noon. We did not want to eat at 'lesehan". expensive, too much street singer and not really delicious actually. By eating there, visitor only bought the malioboro air instead of the taste itself. We also did not want to eat at sidewalk handcart. Sometimes it was not clean. We needed to be careful since our body was just recovery from stomatchache n typus, for me actually. Even some foods was sound delicious and it offered traditional taste like gudeg, kupat tahu, ketoprak. Then we just walked and expected to see some restaurant around there. Finally we got it was expensive. We felt sorry for paying a lot when it tasted casual. Fried rice, small "pastel tutup", fruit juice and ginger tea was enough.
Time was near to 8, we walked to intersection of Malioboro-castle and found small corner in front of the gate of president building to be sit to enjoy the night. Great night. No rain at all. So many people already been there, had some purpose like us. Time went by so slowly. Nothing we could do except waiting, talking, taking some pictures in the dark and yawning many times. Sometimes we could see firecrackers in the sky, I thought it was as practical moment before counting down of new year.

Finally time run to midnight so fast and met the end of 2010. Happy New year!! Firecrackers flew to the sky, so fantastic, horns was heard many times together. Very loud and bright! I like it. It was like some years ago when I went to this place with someone. This time it was enough with some good friends. Thanks God for having them.
Struggled for survive began since the street was full of people. We had to walk slowly and sometimes had to push somebody else not to ruin our path. We did not want to get separate of each other and loose the way home. After entered the first street, we took becak to go home. My friends asked how to buy bakpia to the becak driver then he offered to take us to the store. We were surprised. Did the stores open at midnight? We doubted it but we just followed the becak. The driver was very anxious. We just scared as he broke the traffic rule, took us on the opposite traffic. OMG. The stores was closed, he tried to knocked the store, maybe to woke them up. We said 'no need sir' but he insisted as he said he could take any guests anytime. And he was a bit dissapointed when all stores was closed, meant he did not get fee.
January 1 was coming. Fried rice n shrimp chip breakfast filled our stomach. We went to Prambanan at 9 by Transyogya bus. Full people on bus. Far destination. Arrived Prambanan area, we had to go by motobecak, new style I think, to reach the locket. A bit far from our last bus shelter. Since it almost noon, we decided to have lunch first. Gudeg looked great but I did not order it as i wanted some watery. I chose soto ayam, but it content less chicken n vegetables. Hiks, it was not enough.I was still hungry, but I felt full to eat again. Some snacks were enough to add energy.

Anyway, we were impressed with the prambanan and sewu temples. I had gone there many times long time ago. But making some good pictures was really fun, moreover now we used digital camera which was able to shoot many times to find the best pictures. After earthquake on 2006, Prambanan has to be renovated again and it hasn't finished yet till this minute. It was not easy to combine every single stone and stack it one by one correctly.

Then we went to Ratu Boko temple, Our 1st time. It was 3 kilometers far from Prambanan. At the highest hill I guessed. It had great scenery, rice fields around the way. We could go by shuttle bus which was coordinated by Prambanan site.
Sun set and a bit cloudy at 5 when we ended our journey thus we could not get sunset images like some magazine told us. Had to accept this as this was nature arrangement. Went back by bus again. Had to wait about 45 minutes at shelter with a lot of people. At least our tiredness was paid finally. We could sit n felt the cold air. Closed to Malioboro, it was traffic jam. While waiting for, we noted some travel agent bilboards along Mangkubumi street. We tried to call some as we havent got the transportation to go home yet. I meant if we could get ticket, we did not need to go to bus station early morning to catch bus and struggle among passanger to get a seat. As Sunday was the end of holiday season. Lucky, we got it, we got it, yupiiii...My calling by mobile phone was not useless at last and the phone bill was not expensive. This time I had to give thank n thumb to Mentari for helping me. It was cheap also when I had to call mc donal delivery although I did interlocal phone since I used my origin city number instead of YK number.
Arrived Malioboro mall for dinner on tired condition. Entered a small restaurant with plain taste on their food. Fried rice n noodle. Fine. We did not care anymore. As long as we could eat on clean area, it was OK.

After that we bought some additional gifts for relatives and friends. Me too. Spitting rain outside, when we went back to hotel. Energy was back a bit as we had to edit some pictures we made these 2 days. Then, go sleeping for waking up early morning.
Travel picked us up on 7am, arrived our home town at 3pm. At the end, we had to leave this area. It was a lovely short journey even not much place we could visit. We passed the beaches and Merapi area due we had no enough money to pay car rent to take us there. Hiks. Our fund was limited due plan was also builded in very short time. Beaches could be visited next time as they were not changed, but Merapi area could be changed to better environment. Now, we had to accept seeing the remain after eruption by pictures on TV only. Do not feel sorry not to seeing the truth tragedy. Just praying for them who suffered a lot.