Three of us, me, Ria n her old friend, please do not say three musketer!, went to Pangandaran, started from Bandung at 2 pm, it was hard rain on freeway but finally stopped out of town. Traffic jam at Nagreg and after that, competed with motorcycle of local people who would go to their relatives. It was Lebaran 1st day. We also stopped at store of Tahu sumedang to buy some as a snack while on the way of travelling. Arrived Tasikmalaya at 7, we stopped by for having dinner at sea food restorant. Big portions of food for 3 of us made we were very full. Travelling would take a lot of energy, thus we needed to have full tank energy to avoid sickness.
Thunder looked bling-bling when we started to continue our way to Pangandaran, signed for rain drop we guessed thus we decided not to go on. The streets was dark, no lamp, remote area, afraid of burglar or nasty people too. We stayed at gas station, closed eyes and rest for about 3 hours. Planned to sleep actually, but we couldnt sleep well. I think, because our body was ready to go, but the condition was not safe for us.
Finally we run, at stil way, we could see some cars also went there. Yupiii...we had friends. Arrived there at 4 am, so early. We looked for hotels but couldnt find it. All was full or in very expensive cost for simple room. Rp 800 thoudsand to 1 mill for actual Rp 250 thousand price. At that moment suddenly I was very tired and sleepy. Wanted to sleep actually, even though only at car, never mind. But R thought different. Thats why she accepted room even though it was not suitable with her style. She tought I was very tired. Oops I was sorry. It was missunderstanding then. Rp 300 thousand for one fan, one big bed, simple bathroom, no shower and hot water, no breakfast, bad smell on bathroom. On normal day, it might be only Rp 50-75 thousand I guessed. The best point for that room was that it on 2nd floor. We could see scenery outside, Pangandaran beach in front of us and the air was better, not feeling hot even at hot beach.
After put some bags inside room, we walked out of Pondok Indah II hotels, at 5am. We planned to see sunrise actually but sun rised from another side. East side, while we were in west side. Couldnt catch it. R rode a bike for a while, me n other drank tea for warming our body. Then me n R went by becak to another part of this beach area. Other was sleeping as she felt not well. Last time I heard she couldnt sleep well as smell of the bathroom was a bit bad. Hiks, sorry for my choosing. We went to east part. Saw sunrise, took a picture at beach, saw some hotels as reference, saw people on tradisional market buying n selling fishes then finally had breakfast at another hotels. Not free, we had to pay Rp 25 thousand for buffee. Not bad, as we could eat everything. Then we were back to hotel to clean body, some rest, some massage. Paid Rp 50 thousand for the becak which already been patient taking us everywhere many kilometers for about 3 hours.
Morning on 2nd day, Ria woke up early and riding a bike by herself everywhere. Me and Luki woke up late then having simple tea at warung close to our hotels, then walking to the beach. Morning at 9, sun was still fresh and healthy for our body. Beach already been full of local village people who came by trucks and motocycle. Oops I just remember, we could not sleep at night to early morning since so much motocycle ran with noise and louder machine. OMG! I also bought a fresh young coconut water at local store which the owner and the waiter were deaf and dumb. thumbs for them who could have own bussiness. One drink was Rp 8 thousand. Not bad. I got real young coconut. Taste sweet and yummie for drinking at beach even the beach itself not support me coz the situation was crowded.
Checking out at 12 from Pondok Indah hotel, to Batukaras about 1 hour for lunch and visiting some places and beaches. Planned to eat at Riverside resto which was at side of green canyon river. They provide us good scenery and good meal. Unfortunately, we trapped on traffic jam. Many people wanted to go and out from Batukaras. It was about 1 hour to reach the resto and again, we had to be dissapointed as the meal was out of stock and the taste was not delicious anymore. Did not know why!
Finally we could have good dinner at sea food resto close to green canyon area. It was also to cheer our feeling coz almost half day we could not get satisfactory on trip.
Green canyon river was dark, not green but on chocolate color. It mean not good. Dinner was fine, at last ,we were really full, but 2nd problem was occured. Traffic jam in Pangandaran. We were stuck for one hour already. Our driver got info that there were another way, alternate via Cikatomas and he wanted to get through that way. But our hotel source, resto source people did not recomend us. Finally we decided to go to alternate way but with praying as it was new street, dark, remote area. Finally we were lost to unknown way thus we decided to use normal way. It didnt matter if we trapped in traffic jam but we were safe. It was weird that the street department didnt provide enough sign n bilboard for this alternate way on this Lebaran. Did it mean they didnt want to help traveller to get smooth journey, right? Finally, we could reach Bandung 6 hours later after back and forth in Pangandaran streets for almost 6 hours.
Well, still, I can not come to all places. Time is not enough? I dont think so as we have enough time. The problem is we have already been upset for the crowded of people, dirty beaches and traffic jam thus it influenced our feelin' and we chose to go home quickly. Also, nature condition like rain made a river became dirty and made us cancelled our visiting to green canyon river so I could not swim to their cleaning water pond. Hopefully someday I can snorkling at "cagar alam", visit east nature "cagar alam", swim at "green canyon river", and visit "karang nini". Ciao..........