See...I had an unforgettable journey with my friend Ria. My friends said what I had done was crazy journey as it was really tired but I was fine and I enjoyed doing that. Is it for Easter celebration on different style? I dont think so even though it was on easter holiday, peace for myself!
I took one day leave, flew to Bandung in the morning, at 8 o'clock then arrived at about 9, picked up by R then having bruch siomay bandung, stoped over Ria's home for about 2 hours, bought some things for our travelling like food to accompany us, then we left Bandung at 3pm by car. We went to Semarang via south way first to Cirebon then continue via north way, but unlucky as we were trapped on traffic jam after hard raining. So many fallen trees, landslides and electricity cables had to be repaired. But the scenery was quite good as I never been through this way. I loved it. That's the reason R passed this way. Wanted to show me the richness of west java scenery. If we passed north way only, it would be boring as we only saw long and straight way like Gresik-Lamongan streets. And you know, some streets were repaired along the north way, we were also had to fight to big trucks, buses and containers.
Anyway, Ria drove the car and I became a navigator. She could drive about 12 hours with twice rest only. At Cirebon, while having Lunner -lunch and dinner -combine to be one, :) and at Batang, after Pekalongan, as R suddenly felt not well after consuming antangin and CDR because of her allergic to crab. Her skin became red and itchy. Then we decided to sleep for a while on gas station. And she only slept an hour, short time than me..waow..tough lady! Truck driver and racer are enough to be named to her.
First plan was staying at Pekalongan to see batiks, per my request, but Ria didnt like the hotels style, it was expensive for plain room. So we decided to stay in Semarang, and went to Pkl by travel. Arrived Semarang at 6 morning, first impression of Semarang was not bad. My memories was starting back to past but I could not find something wonderful. Forgive me. Passed Imanuel church at old city, which was well known as Blenduk church, then having chicken porridge at Simpang Lima. I forgot that I could not eat chicken as I had fasting for Good Friday. So, we were not really enjoyed it. The taste was not really great either. Oops.. I forgot to take a picture at Blenduk as my archieve, even though we passed through those place many times.
Arrived hotel, had crazy breakfast. Couldnt stand to eat all food who spreaded out on the tables. We ended on full capacity. It was hotels service, including free breakfast, then took a rest then went out for lunch. Actually we wanted to go to Pekalongan by travel but time was limited as we had to go to church at evening. Besides lunch, we tried to find car wash but it ended unsuccesfully. Pesta kebun resto as our lunch.It was not really special for us. Setting of the place was old Semarang, but I didnt feel like that. The food taste was so so, traditional menu's mix with European menu. Then moved around Tawang train station as I had to buy ticket for home and some taken picture on water castle at old city. It should be nice if the surround was clean, but it was not. Smell and dark color of the water didnt impress me.
After having mass, I walked to jalan Pandanaran to eat ice cream while waiting for Ria picked me up by car. Unfortunately the street was jammed, so she pick me up by becak and returned hotel and changed to car. It was quite far away from her church. We attended different church. Then we went to Kampung Laut near the sea, too bad, we were late, The sea food resto was about to close in half hours. Gee, what should we eat then....All was almost closed, as it near to midnight. Imagined that we did supper. Lucky we could find a small resto. Not bad!
Woke up at 7 then we were out to Salatiga. Had breakfast fried bakso tahu at Ungaran, Tahu woning resto. It was really enough to fill our stomach. The day was wonderful. Sun Shined brightly. We often find 'Solo-Yogya" traffic sign along the way out of town. Lately my friend, who is Semarang residence, explained me that most new comer always get lost there so the goverment build it to help the traveller. We stopped by at coffee plantation Banaran, close to Salatiga. Had a little journey, went around the plant by small lorry, then bought some coffee as gift to friends then we continued to have lunch.
Our lunch was famous warung of eel pecel. I didnt like it, either Ria. We just wanted to see how well known it was as it was recommended on internet. The way was through Ambarawa, passed train museum, rawapening swamp and ended in front of Muncul swimming pool. I had ever gone to this area before while I was on the way to Gedongsongo temple and Bandungan 5 years ago. The way was still same like the last time. Finally we ordered pecel mujair. Not bad. I was just remember, I didnt want to eat mujair fish as menu in my office. Arrogant, was I? hahaha...but at last I had to meet mujair and could not refuse it as no other choice. The warung offered eel, snail, lele and some wierd fish.
After eating, we went to Salatiga. The scenery was beautiful along the way. Hill, mountain, and rice field decorated our travelling. Arrived Salatiga with full confusion, where should we go, no interesting place like we goggled on internet. Then we went on to the hill, to Kopeng. Along the way, we found many churches.Ambarawa and Salatiga had a biggest Christian embraced in central Java due 1st missionaris arrived around this area including Magelang. I felt like I was in Manado, North Sulawesi which has a lot of church than mosque. But, we were dissapointed watching Kopeng. Very plain area. What we find there. Only small swimming pool with small fruit, vegetables traditional market. I had there 30 years ago, hahhaha, my imagination was different. Maybe it is lovely at past time, but not now. On the way back Salatiga, we stopped by at retreat place. We were happy and impressed for the scenery.
From there, we were back to city and got lost for a while. Funny things, we looked for Satya Wacana University and asked some young handsome guys where was the place and they were smiling as the place is only 5 steps ahead hahahahha...Did not know what and where, finally we did some massage, hahaha, for rest, as Ria felt pain on her back, then had a small snack at small resto then we were back to Semarang. It was very crowded at Saturday night when our car came to city. Taman Tabanas resto was full, and we could see sparkling lamps from the higher street. City was below. Trapped on jammed of Simpang Lima. So many visitor and seller around that park. Anyway, we could not remember the streets of Semarang, so we often got lost hahaha...even though we did passed that street many times. Found difficulty to reach Gama sea food at Mataram street. At last, we met it ...but again, I was full, i couldnt finish my dinner. Too late or too full with snacks??
Sunday morning we were going to Ambarawa, to Virgin Mary cave, was called Gua Maria Kerep. I ever went there about 7 years ago and the condition was still same. Nothing change. Just praying there for Easter mood, took a holy water, and I think it was helped for Ria praying there to prepare her new home as tomorrow was the opening and praying. Congratz my friend. This time, Ria brought her office driver by reason she needed to have good performance in her new home party so she didnt want to be tired. I went home by train, Ria took me in hurry as it closed to train time. Thus, we couldnt have lunch at mbah jingkrak resto as we planned before. Hiks...Again, funny thing, we couldnt find that resto as Ria was wrong in spelling mbah jangkrik instead of mbah jingkrak. Thats why nobody knew this place.
Running in hurry to train to go home. Unlucky there were accident on another train to Jakarta this morning and made all schedule was move back to 3 to 5 hours late. schedule was at 3.30pm then changed to 6.30pm. OMG! Lucky I brought enough magazines and new camera that made me busy on tinker it. Finally the train came and I was relief. It was fast train so it took only 3 hours from Semarang to Surabaya. I was lucky. It was not useless to spend more money. Imagined if I chose travel. Departed at 7pm then arrived at 4 am morning if no traffic jammed. It was too long. Cheaper but I was afraid I would be late to come to work. By train was Rp 160,000 while by travel is Rp 110,000. For sure if I used travel, I would be taken to home safely. Train? Just stopped at station then I had to take another public transportation to arrive home. When I was in hurry, train was a right choice.
Hmmm...I wanted to tell about this train. It called Argo Anggrek. I was impressed. Fast and clean. Fast as it didnt stop at every station and waited for so long. They also had electricity plug. Great. I could charge my mobile. It was really helpfull as I needed to make some sms with my friend to kill time. I like to use this train again when I am going to Jakarta someday**