Woke up late, got lazy in bed. Stomache was not well, I got my period. Oh no! But show had to go on. Picked up my friend in front of Dagadu counter at Malioboro Mall then walked out to Malioboro shelter.
Took a busway Trans Yogya from Malioboro to Kotagede, via Giwangan bus station, ended in Tegalgendu shelter for about 30 minutes. Paid 3,000 rupiah for one way.

The main aim was lunch at Sekar Kedhaton restaurant. Kotagede itself was centre of silver handicrafts. HS Silver was one of the famous silver handicrafts store. They offered lovely small design, very unique craft. Prices were variation, from cheap to expensive. The small and simple design would have cheap price. As so complicated the design, you would get expensive price.
Tired and hungry after visiting HS Silver,

especially my friend who just came out of town, brought our step to Sekar Kedhaton. Poor me, it was full of 2 tourist bus except I reserved first. No other choice than having lunch at Omah Dhuwur, in front of HS Silver store.

I had ever eaten there so I was not keen on going there but we had no choice unless we wanted to get headache and stomache for late eat. It was quite expensive for us but I thought, I seldom went there, why not?? Honest confession, I had no deep feelin’ for this place. It felt casual for me. I did not feel Javanese air. I did not know why. Forgive me! Maybe because of modern touch in this area.
Omah Dhuwur offered local food combine with oriental and European taste like Omah Dhuwur steak or Thiwulan steak (creamy cassava with rolled vegetables and tenderloin) or shrimp fried noodle. Just come and order!That was the reason why I did not feel so traditional, as because of they offered European or American food

For sure, we ordered the big portion food on cheapest price Smoked beef and mozzarella cheese salad as main course, accompanied by a glass of hot lemon tea with sereh stick and avocado fruit for me. Got cassava chips for free. Total paid 80,000 rupiahs for 2 person only.

Lets talked about the building for a while. Even I did not feel so deep but I was impressed with this place. Old house.

Omah Dhuwur was one of 170 well known Rumah Kallang (Kallang House) in Kotagede. Kallang are people who invited by the King to become carvers of court jewelries. Rumah Kallangs was built on about 1700 to 1900, mixed of European and Javanese atmosphere in its architecture. Located in Mondorakan 252 streer, belongs to Mr. tembong,famous Kallang at that time then bought by Mr. Harto Suharjo, HS Silver owner and to be reataurant in 2002.

After took a picture, enjoyed meal, some chit chatted, gossip and laughed, we finished this story by stepping out the place and took busway again. Our next plan was attending Easter mass tonight. Started from same shelter, through ring road, stopped over at Adisucipto bandara, then continued through Ambarukmo Plaza then ended up at Malioboro again.
(Yk, 11 April)